32nd Annual
Food Addicts Anonymous
World Convention
Into the Light of Recovery
October 25th – 27th
The FAA Convention is being planned by the Convention Committee. We are creating a schedule that offers you an exciting weekend full of helpful workshops and relaxing meditations. You will also have free time to use any way you choose. The Friday and Saturday evening banquets will consist of delicious abstinent meals followed by a metabolic adjustment later each night. Breakfast is included each morning and an abstinent lunch will be served on Saturday.
An FAA Convention provides a great setting for relaxation and time away from home. It gives you
the opportunity to be with other like-minded individuals and share your experience, strength and hope. There will be a silent raffle and a 50/50 raffle at the Saturday night banquet.
This year’s convention will be hosted in St. Petersburg, Florida nestled close to the shores of the west coast of Florida at the Crystal Bay Hotel.